3 Steps To Choosing The Right Keywords – SEO Assistance

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How To Select The Best Keywords For Your SEO Efforts

SEO is key for any business. But what do you do when your keywords are all over the place? Well, there are 3 steps to choosing the right keywords for your seo efforts:

1. Look at your competitors and see which keywords they’re using to great effect. This will give you a good idea of which keywords to use for your own website and blog.

2. Use a keyword research tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or BuzzSumo to find the best keywords for your needs.

3. Make a list of the best search terms that represent the themes or values of your business and use them in your SEO efforts.

Look at your competitors

The first step is to look at your competitors and see which keywords they’re using to great effect. It’s really important to research other businesses and see what they’re using to attract customers and lead them to their websites. If they’re using keywords that represent your business, then you should include them in your SEO efforts. If they’re not using them, then you may want to try and steal them. This will help you determine which keywords are the best for your business and what changes you need to make in order to compete with your competitors.

How to use a keyword research tool

If you’re new to this and aren’t sure about how to use a keyword research tool, you can use these two free ones, provided by Moz and SEMRush. Once you know what keywords you’re looking for, use these free tools to find them and rank for them on various search engines.

3 Steps To Choosing The Right Keywords

Google AdWords Keyword Planner is a great tool for finding the best keywords for your SEO efforts. It’s easy to use and provides a wide range of keyword research options.

BuzzSumo is another great keyword research tool that’s easy to use and can help you find the best keywords for your business. It has a variety of tools that make it easy to find the right keywords for your website or blog.


If you want to get the most out of your SEO efforts, you need to be familiar with the long tail keyword reference. This refers to the term that identifies all of the keywords that are being used in a particular search engine result. So, for example, if you’re looking for a term related to fashion, you’d use the long tail keyword reference for “fashion keywords.”

Types of Buyer Keywords

There are three main types of buyer keywords:

1. Organic keywords – these are bought by the business directly, without any help from a search engine.

2. Paid keywords – this is where you pay someone to find and use your keywords in their ads.

3. Contextual keywords – these are bought by the business based on information that the customer provides, such as location, age, or other personal data.

Types of Keywords by Length

3 Steps To Choosing The Right Keywords

There are three types of keywords: short, medium, and long.

1. Short Keywords: 1 to 3 words long.

2. Medium Keywords: 4 to 10 words long.

3. Long Keywords: 11 or more words long.


There are so many different reasons why SEO and Keyword research is important for any business. The point here is that you need to approach it thoughtfully, with the utmost attention to detail. Take the time to learn and adapt as you go and be flexible enough to change the way you do things, to make the most of your SEO efforts. And once you’ve got things up and running properly, don’t forget to make sure your SEO efforts are making a positive difference to your company’s growth and long-term viability.

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